Watch Race on Main Street Tuesday December 1st @ 11:30am on PhillyCam stations 66/966 & 29/30

I have been working with Producers Scott & Stuart Race from Simon Capital to create a program about financial issues facing the middle class. Scott and Stu want to interview business owners, employers and entrepreneurs from all across the Philadelphia Region to see how they can help the middle class.

The show is delightfully arranged with some common middle class issues that relate to the guest in the beginning. The main part of the show features an interview or conversation with a Philadelphia area guest who is an expert in a particular issue or service. And the show ends on a light note with some interesting trivia about a trend or statistic. The chemistry between the brothers is fantastic as it is rare to see brothers get along or even disagree so diplomatically. Stories about dad or an aunt bring a hometown feel to show dealing with important issues facing the middle class.
The show can be viewed biweekly on the PhillyCam stations above every other Tuesday at 11:30am. Look for the show to be broadcast soon in the Main Line Area of Philadelphia soon.
My role is this production is the director/producer of the show. My responsibilities include scheduling, staffing crew, assisting with lighting, set design, directing, motion graphics, and content delivery to both TV and social media outlets. I am working with a talented and dedicated crew who brings this show together.
We record our shows at PhillyCam. The staff and management at this place is amazing. Well informed and very dedicated to bringing “People Powered Media”
After getting some of the initial kinks out we have a good show running. We have recorded a total of 8 shows to date. Our set, lighting, camera angles, graphics and sound have all shown improvement and we are looking for more ways to improve our delivery.
Check out their website @
Here’s a preview of the most recent show:
Race on Main Street – Dr Joel Fein from Tim Millaway on Vimeo.
Gerry Elman
Tim, You and the Race brothers have a winner here!
Thanks for your help behind the scenes as they interviewed me about cybersecurity today.
And you’re running a very professional operation at PhillyCAM.
Alex Hamer
Super job Tim !